Saturday, November 8, 2014

Romantic Fact About Women's life and Her Lingerie

Romantic facts about women, real fact of women life, Sexy facts about women life
Real fact about women, fact about women life, women’s secret facts

1 =  Women are pregnant after 5 to 8 days having sex.

2 = If women want to born child then they can bear 69 children in whole life.

3 = In the world every 90 second dies during pregnancy. So respect the mother who bears you.

 4 = In the re-search women are rich to get father or husband inherited out of 17 in 20.

 5 = The women cannot keep secret any serious matter till 2 days only, so avoid telling the secret with your wife or girlfriend (sorry for female.)

6 = Do you know? In Russia is such a country where women are more than men about 9 million.

7 = It is exciting fact that in USA 40% baby born unmarried women.(oh my god!!)

8 = Do you know? Women waste about 1 year equal time to decide to buy their clothes in whole life. So
we women need to decide fast to buy and save the valuable time.  You can choose to buy online option to get rid of this problem.

9 = The tallest women get more effect of cancer than smaller height.

10 = Most of women cannot purchase without bargain. Then buy anything after bargain. So shopkeeper always tells them more price than actual.

 10 = Women like to Gossip in all age. According to age they talk each other on same choice, if their choice not match then search to new friends to gossip. They go to park, restroom, their neighbor to gossip. These days social media sites are best options for her.

11 = Women like to brush hair before go to bed, because she want to look some special before husband.

12 = Do you know women feel less emotional on break up than men? So women decide as soon as for break up. 

13 = If any girl or women say that they are sad but not weep, It means they weep in heart. So I request guys don’t heart girl friend or wife.

14 = Women take a long time to decide to love someone than men,

15  = Women always like to listening complement about her beauty but depend of her mood. So say any complement to see her mood and time.

16 = Women never want to listen that she is useless.

17 = A sweet smile tells everything about women heart, so husband should be understand her smile what she want to says.

18 = About 40% women are not satisfied to intercourse. She likes more so-----

19 = It’s really amazing that only 1% women has their own land in the world.

20 =Women always remember first love. Because most of women trust too much on that person

Sneha Singhi  is fashion designer at She likes to shopping traveling and  modeling.

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