Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Top 10 Easily Natural Skin Care Tips

Who does not want to look beautiful before others? So today I am going to share some natural skin care tips that keep your skin healthy, brightness and smooth. I am going to tell you here some natural tips in which no any cost you have to pay. It’s totally free; you can do this very easily at home. You have not to spend money to buy any cosmetic product for this. Only take care of some tips and follow them regular basis in your daily life. If you follow these following tips, I think you will get charming skin of your whole body. It’s not only tips for face skin or hand skin. These tips affect your all body skin.  Now I think you would eager to know about those tips that keep your skin healthy and smooth. So don’t be late and let’s starts- 

skin care tips, how to look beautuful, get natural skin without any cost

1.Drink water a lots: This is first and very special tips for your skin. You should drink water early morning with lemon. You must drink only filter water. Avoid non filter water. Drink water as much as possible in all the day. You should drink milk morning and evening too. Milk helps your healthy skin.

skin care tips, how to look beautuful, get natural skin without any cost 

2. Eat Fruits:  Yes it is very important for skin care. You should eat fruits like as lemon, banana, guava, mango, strawberry, pineapple, apple, coconut, Almond, cashew, grapes and others seasonal fruits.  These fruits provide you full vitamins and keep your body skin healthy and smooth. So eat these fruits instead of buy costly chemical cosmetics. You can buy fruits in your local market.

skin care tips, how to look beautuful, get natural skin without any cost

3. Eat Vegetable - Green vegetable are very useful for healthy skin, you should eat daily basis like as pumpkin, lady’s finger, papaya, potatoes, carrot and so on. It’s also increase your blood of body and provides glowing skin.

home beauty tips and tricks, how to get beautiful skin, Natuarl skin care tips

4. Avoid Wine and too much Spice Food - Never drink wine if you want to keep your skin smooth. Alcohol damage your blood tissue and produce a lots of skin problems. Spice and too much oily foods are also harmful for skin, so avoid eat spice food. Most of people like to eat spice or junk food at market that is harmful for skin. So take care of these things.

home beauty tips and tricks, how to get beautiful skin, Natuarl skin care tips

5. Do Exercise – Exercise is very important for skin. During exercise blood circulate fast in all body. Sweating is way to keep your body fresh. After sweating you can take bath then you feel extra energy in your body. You can feel your skin is more glow than before. So, Daily exercise is useful to keep your skin fresh and healthy.

Top tips to healty skin, Natural tips to skin care, how to looks natural

6. Daily Bath – yes it is necessary to take a bath daily. Don’t use rough soap on your face. Use some good quality soap of shampoo only. Don’t run behind the fragrance soap or shampoo.  

Top tips to healty skin, Natural tips to skin care, how to looks natural

7.Massage your Body with Natural Oil - After taking bath you should use some natural oil like as mustered oil on the skin or whole body and go to sun light for some time. The sun light provides vitamin- D.  It keeps skin health and soft.

how to look beautiful, skin care tips and tricks, Natural skin care tips

8 . Live Stress Free - Yes it is necessary for skin care. You should be live stress free, keep smiling face always. Don’t think too much.

how to look beautiful, skin care tips and tricks, Natural skin care tips

9 .Sleep well at Night: For better skin you should be sleep well at night. Don’t be late to sleep. You know well “Early to bed and early to rise keep you always healthy” so follow this Idiom if you want to get smooth skin.

skin care  tips, how to keep natural skin, top skin care tips, home care skin tips

10. Safe from Accident – some time we fall down on the floor and our skin damage and become wounded. We can wound during cycling, bike accident, and car accident and loose some bone, or fracture on skin. You know well fracture skin take a long time to become real skin.  Therefore take care of accident and save your life and skin too.

skin care  tips, how to keep natural skin, top skin care tips, home care skin tips

I think if you take care of the following above tips then you keep your skin always healthy and soft.

NOTE: This skin care tips is written by Sneha Singhvi on the behalf of fabsdeal that Is online lingerie shopping site in India. You can purchase online all women undergarment here at offer price.  Thanks to stay here. Subscribe my blog to get new updates regular basis.

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